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The Ordinals Protocol Immortalizes Your Artwork on Bitcoin by Disrupting NFT!

The Ordinals Protocol Immortalizes Your Artwork on Bitcoin by Disrupting NFT!



In a not-so-distant future, digital assets have become part of everyday life. Ming is a young digital artist whose work is loved by collectors around the world. However, Ming is faced with a dilemma: how to make his work more than just an image, but a unique, eternally existing digital souvenir? While traditional NFTs can represent the ownership of an artwork, they don't really record the artwork itself on the blockchain, which makes Xiao Ming feel that something is missing.

One day, Ming was at a gathering of Bitcoin enthusiasts when he heard one of the developers mention the "Ordinals protocol" and "inscriptions". It caught his eye because the protocol would allow him to embed his work directly into the Bitcoin blockchain as a digital inscription that would live forever on the chain. With the Ordinals protocol, Ming not only retains ownership of his works, but also ensures that they will live forever on the Bitcoin network, independent of any centralized platform.

This new discovery thrilled Ming, who immediately began researching how to cast his next piece of art as an inscription, which he plans to display in an upcoming online art show. This is not only a new chapter in his personal creative career, but also an important experiment in the integration of digital art and blockchain technology.


1. The Beginning of Everything - Bitcoin Scripting Language

In a far future world, digital currencies have become a part of people's daily lives. Bitcoin is a widely used currency, but it has a little-known guardian behind it - an ancient and mysterious "magic" language called Bitcoin Scripting Language.

One day, a young man named Ai arrives in Bitcoin City, ready to start his digital adventure here. He had heard that there was an incredibly safe currency circulating in Bitcoin City, but he didn't realize that the security of the currency came from a special spell.

Ai walked into the central plaza of Bitcoin City and noticed that there were many vending machines, each with a shiny bitcoin design on it. Next to the vending machines stood an elderly guardian who looked at Ai, smiled and said, "Welcome to Bitcoin City, young man. Each bitcoin here has its own guardian spell. You can only use these bitcoins if you know the correct spell."

Ai was a little confused, "A spell? What spell?"

The Guardian smiles and explains, "These mantras are the Bitcoin scripting language, and they define how to use each Bitcoin. Just like a vending machine, the only way to get the item you want is to put in the right coins and press the right buttons. Bitcoin's scripting language is the rules for these operations."

The Guardian goes on to say, "For example, if you want to transfer a Bitcoin, you need to fulfill its condition. That condition might be that you need to enter a specific password, or get several people to agree to sign it. If you fulfill these conditions, the bitcoin will be released to you. Otherwise, it will stay there forever like the merchandise in this vending machine."

It dawned on Ai, "So these spells are to protect bitcoins from random use?"

"That's right," said Guardian, nodding, "that's the magic of the Bitcoin scripting language. It provides security for Bitcoin. Without the right incantation, Bitcoin will never be released."

Ai exclaimed, "So, the security and flexibility of Bitcoin relies on these spells. Not only do they make bitcoins more secure, they also allow them to be used flexibly in different situations."

The Guardian smiled and nodded, "Exactly. The Bitcoin Scripting Language, as simple as it may seem, is the cornerstone of Bitcoin City, and without it, there would be no Bitcoin World today."

From that day on, Ai studied the Bitcoin scripting language in greater depth. He understood that this ancient incantation was the secret to Bitcoin City's prosperity, guarding the security of every bitcoin.

2. Ordinals - a protocol based on the Bitcoin scripting language

Ever since Ai learned about the mysteries of the Bitcoin scripting language, he has been thinking about how to apply this magical spell to more scenarios. One day, Ai met a traveler named Leah, who brought a story about "Ordinals" that expanded Ai's horizons.

Leah tells Ai that deep in the bowels of Bitcoin City, there's an emerging protocol called Ordinals, which allows people to carve eternal symbols, called "inscriptions," into their bitcoins. These inscriptions can be anything from a piece of text, to an image, to a piece of code, all of which are embedded directly into Bitcoin's blockchain and become part of the digital world, never to be tampered with or deleted.

Surprised, Ai asked, "But how do these inscriptions fit in with Bitcoin?"

Leah smiles and explains, "That's the magic of the Ordinals protocol. It relies on the Bitcoin scripting language, which is cleverly scripted so that each inscription is 'tied' to a specific bitcoin. In this way, the inscription becomes part of the bitcoin, flowing with the bitcoin as it is transferred."

Leah continues, "The Ordinals protocol makes Bitcoin more than just currency, it becomes a vehicle for culture and history. Each inscription tells a story, whether it's a personal memory or a collective culture. They are inscribed on Bitcoin as a permanent digital legacy."

Ai is thrilled: "This sounds fantastic! Bitcoins are no longer just cold numbers, they can now hold ideas, art, and memories. the Ordinals protocol really gives Bitcoin a new lease on life."

Leah nodded, "Exactly. And none of this is possible without the support of the Bitcoin scripting language.The Ordinals protocol takes advantage of the flexibility of the Bitcoin scripting language to securely embed these inscriptions into the Bitcoin network so that they can last forever."

From that moment on, Ai was determined to learn how the Ordinals protocol worked and attempt to carve his first inscription on Bitcoin. He understood that through the Ordinals protocol, he could turn his creativity and ideas into timeless digital symbols that would circulate in the Bitcoin blockchain.

Sep 02, 2024 61


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